Since back in the day, the kitchen has been a sanctuary reserved for the few who know their way around the recipes and can prepare top-notch meals in minutes. However, modern-day man has developed technological advancements that enable anyone with basic knowledge to prepare, store and enjoy the experience. Some of these advancements are seen in the form...
We all can’t go to the cinema at the same time and, considering the Covid situation, huddling up to each other in enclosed spaces may not be the best bet. Also with today’s technological advancements, you can watch your movies in great quality right from your TV and still get to enjoy them. However, it is very possible to replicate the cinematic ambiance...
In any office setting, be it at home or in large corporations, there comes a time when you need to clear up space, and most likely it involves disposing of large volumes of paper and other documents. So how would you go about this? For some, it may involve gathering all these documents, piling them up, and throwing them out with the trash as they are. As...
Back in 2015, the Kenyan government passed a bill that dictated the migration from analog to digital television. The move, at the time, was mired by court cases and media stations protesting against it citing loss of audiences due to a market that wasn’t ready. However, today most households either own a Smart TV or a set-top box that has...